
Happy Thanksgiving, Americans, wherever you are.

Lovelinks #32 is open for voting, everybody, and here is how lovelinks voting works:

Everybody gets three votes. Depending on your browser, there will be a yellow star either above each thumbnail or below. Click on the thumbnail to read the blogger’s entry, click on the yellow star to vote. Once you’ve clicked three different yellow stars, you’re done voting. Happily, you may campaign for your favorites through social media.

Please avoid the temptation to vote-bomb us. Once you mobilize your forces, kindly ask them to read a few additional entries so they can vote for one or two more favorites. They already read and love your blog, so we know they are readers and lovers of blogs. Why not introduce them to new bloggers and experiences? Lovelinks is about building community and growing a steady readership for good content. We don’t want to discourage from participation really good writers who may have tiny social circles. Let your army love on someone else every once in a while.

Since it’s the holiday and you’re in the same room with her, you may as well get your great-grandma to vote for her three favorites after you explain to her the Internet, Snopes.com, Facebook, Twitter, email, how Gmail stores email on a server, servers, blogs, how lonely you feel sometimes, then finally, lovelinks. All of this by 9 p.m. Thursday U.S. eastern standard time.

And go.

I’ll be around on Twitter here and there to tweet out the vote. Lovelinkin is so much more fun if you’re on Twitter and/or following the other lovelinkers on Twitter. There are entire conversations going on surrounding these wonderfully lovelinked posts, and if you’re not there, you’re missing out on 75% of the excitement. Even if you sign into Twitter only for lovelinks tweets, it’s worth it and you can ignore us the rest of the time.

This week’s lovelinkers on Twitter:

  1. @Mama_AndTheCity
  2. @mannahattamamma
  3. @kgwaite
  4. @btchygirls
  5. @applesnroses
  6. @chosenchaos
  7. @SJM_CookiesMom
  8. @mamawantsthis
  9. @DiaperDiatribe
  10. @m3lbblog
  11. @xlmic
  12. @mommy2cents
  13. @jenannhall
  14. @lauramiri
  15. @cynthiameents
  16. @adothemomalog
  17. @MillenialMonstr
  18. @poorlybee
  19. @Book4MyDaughter
  20. @dashingly

If you’ve linked up this week and your Twitter name isn’t on the list, accept my apologies and leave it in comments so I can add you to it.

Voting is open. Happy reading, commenting, and voting, y’all. I’ll be back on Friday with the winners’ post: popular vote, editor’s choice and lurker’s favorite. Happy third helping, Americans, and anyone else who can’t resist a good buffet.

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