
Bitches in the Burbs!

Alrighty then—I have never actually typed that word on my blog (have I?) It’s never really been part of my vocabulary, and I was excited when “beyotch” came along because it’s like a very edgy “darn”. But what can I say? Bitches in the Burbs got the most votes, and judging by the comments on their winning post, we lovelinkers loved it. Congrats, BB!

Since we had a slight decrease in submissions this week, the top ten percent is two bloggers as opposed to the historical three. Moving on to Week 4 along with BB are:

Except. There’s always an except. In Week 4, there will be no double entries. It’s one blogger, one blog, one post. This week’s top ten percent was part of last week’s top ten percent. I guess I could just end it here and let them advance twice but with a single post, but what’s the fun in that? I’m sure Do Sweat the Small Stuff and XL won’t mind a little extra competition.

So. Also moving into Week 4 based on popular vote:

Editor’s Choice this week:

Deborah from MaNNaHaTTaMaMMa. Deborah, please see me after class about this spelling issue. Thanks.

I really want to thank every blogger and voter who had so much fun with us for the past few weeks. Week 4 judges Alison, Linda and Headless Mom promoted the contest during their crazy schedules. And I was touched how the previous weekly winners with their spots secured for Week 4 got out the vote for those who needed just one or two more yellow star clicks to advance. It’s morning, I usually write my posts late at night. This strawberry creme Toaster Strudel is making me sentimental and weepy.

The Week 4 lovelinks will publish Tuesday as usual as lovelinks #26. Here are the bloggers you will be cheering and voting for the following Thursday:

  1. Jamie of Chosen Chaos
  2. Julie of Mama Mash
  3. Erin of A Book for my Daughter
  4. Leila of Don’t Speak Whinese
  5. Rach of Life with Baby Donut
  6. Lindsay of peek-a-berry
  7. Ado of The Momalog
  8. Do Sweat the Small Stuff
  9. XL of Taking It On
  10. Peter DeWolf
  11. The Bitches of Bitches in the Burbs
  12. Andrea of Momma Teacher Lady
  13. Motherhood from Motherhood Truth
  14. Deborah of MaNNaHaTTaMaMMa

Everybody will get one vote this time. The popular vote totals will count 30% toward the final score. The judges’ panel votes will count 70%. I won’t have a vote at all unless there is a tie. Then I’ll step in to break it.

Congrats, everybody. To the winners and to those who, in the true spirit of lovelinks, found a new community for your blogs. And, don’t forget, you are always welcome here at the fringe.

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