

“Where ever I sat, there I might live, and the landscape radiated from me accordingly.”

Henry David Thoreau, arguably America’s first tree-hugger, wrote that in Walden. I memorized the quote the very moment I read it. I’ve come to adopt it as my writing mantra. I’m just not a planner. I like to sit down at the computer and see what happens. I like to be surprised. It’s part of the fun for me.

A while back, I discovered a good friend of mine used the opposite approach to writing a story– she mapped her stories out: the setting, the main characters, the main plot points. Honestly, the idea had never occurred to me. I was intrigued. What would it be like to sit down at the computer knowing the lay of the land?

So, while Michelle was trimming her bush, I was landscaping my stories. What did I learn? Well, landscaping shaved hours off writing my story. I was confident throughout the process. I didn’t stick to everything I’d planned out, but I noticed I plucked ideas that were growing nearby instead of throwing in crazy scenarios to see what would happen, which is what I usually do. A scooter replaced a skateboard; passive aggression replaced argument. No comets, no asthma attacks, no random car. I missed my way, but I’m glad I experimented.

Before submitting your latest and greatest to the grid, we’re back to a moderated grid at yeah write, so reviewing the submission guidelines is a good idea. A refresher course–or a peek at our guidelines if you’re new–will help you to click that submit button with confidence.

Meet our members

Yeah write is a 100% volunteer run organization, and we couldn’t do what we do without the support of some amazing members. Why don’t you swing by and see who they are? While you’re there, give them a big thank you, or maybe a hug. And if you’re so inclined, consider becoming a member yourself.

How can I ever repay you?

The optional prompt above can serve as inspiration for your fiction or poetry. Use the question word for word in your story or poem, or just answer it: check, money order, Pay Pal or first born daughter. It’s all good. Already have a different story thought up? No problem! Use the prompt only if you need it.

More inspiration

Need a bit more? For this month’s focus on fiction, we are brooding at our desks smoking a Noir brand cigarette. In the poetry corner, we’re conjuring up riddles.

Still drawing a blank? You can also find writing exercises in the coffeehouse to get things started. You’ll notice we moved it to a Facebook group: much easier access and interaction!

Is this your first time here?

Check out Sunday’s post which kicked off the week here at yeah write. If you don’t think you can remember to check back every Sunday, sign up for our email blasts. We send them directly to your inbox. No fuss!

Yeah write #234 fiction|poetry writing challenge is open for submissions!

You can check out the submission guidelines and join us with your essay using the link below.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


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