

Going for a ride

Before this week, I hadn’t been on a roller coaster in over 25 years. My partner and I just got back from Orlando to check out the Harry Potter theme park. Our vacation package included an express pass, which means, among other things, that we got to enter the park an hour before everyone else. The park was virtually empty. I was excited about getting on the ride, so I rushed through all of the empty waiting rooms. When I got to the worker that directed people onto the ride, I realized I’d left my partner in the dust, so I stepped aside and waited for him, grumbling about his taking so long.

After we rode the (so freaking cool) roller coaster-type ride, he started describing all of the displays he saw along the way: the conversation the portraits were having with each other on the wall of one room, the robot goblin that looked like a smaller, lumpier version of someone we knew, and the dozen or so displays of magical tchotchkes that had been taken straight from the novels. I’d missed all the carefully placed details.

I do the same thing with my writing sometimes; I’m so caught up in meeting a deadline that I speed through my process to get it done. I forget to stop and notice all the details—those parts of a story that add so much interest and realism. It was a good reminder.

Speaking of reminders, here’s this week’s optional prompt:

Who’s gonna pay the check?

Use it as inspiration for your fiction or poetry. Maybe your siblings squabbled over who was going to pay the $45 Appletini tab your mom ran up this weekend. Or maybe you write about that time you got caught dining and dashing. Whatever this stirs up, we want to read about it. Already have your own story thought up? No problem! The prompt is only there if you need it.

Need a little more direction?

If you’re here to practice your creative fiction, then read up on Rowan’s advice for writing romance, our focus on fiction genre this month. If you’re more of a poet, then blank verse is the name of the game. Need a writing buddy or advice for either of these forms? Head over to the coffeehouse for a little help.

Want more info?

Is this your first time here? Check out Sunday’s post which kicked off the week here at yeah write, then sign up for our email blasts to be up on everything that’s happening around these parts.

Have questions you can’t find the answer to by poking around the site? Email us or find us on Facebook and Twitter and we’ll happily help you out.

The fiction|poetry challenge is open for submissions!



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