Are you paying attention?
This past weekend I had the opportunity to go on a road trip. It was just my husband and me, with him driving the entire nearly-500 mile trip. It gave me time to think and to look around as the world breezed by me.
Not too far from home, I saw a woman in a house dress and slippers, wearing a winter coat. She was slowly and methodically raking the snow on her front lawn. It was a peculiar sight, indeed. Was she lonely? Did she do this sort of thing often? Was she a widow, missing her companion and the person who, up until this winter, always maintained their grounds? Was she spreading the snow out in the hopes it would melt faster? Was she simply a little nutty? Who knows?
On our way home, we traveled on some county roads between two interstates. On one particular stretch, I couldn’t help but notice seemingly every other property had a structure in some state of disrepair. Rusted out swing set skeletons, barns with collapsed roofs, garages barely standing, and homes in need of something more than TLC were everywhere. I turned to my husband and said, “I’ll bet that town is full of teenagers itching to get out.” What were their stories, I wondered? What happened to this town, these families?
Everyone has a story
It’s not just the sad stories that caught my attention. There were plenty of families out enjoying the sunshine and the relative warmth. Kids romping about on playgrounds and cars filled with people who seemed so eager to be going somewhere, anywhere.
As I watched the world, I wondered how many of those people were wondering about my story. Did they question our out-of-state license plates and wonder why we were so far from home? Did they catch my husband and I laughing and carrying on or did they see us in a quiet moment and think perhaps we were angry?
When people drove through my town, or the town I grew up in, did anyone wonder about the people who live there? What was the impression they were left with?
We all have stories, every single one of us. What’s yours? What do passersby see when they see you? What do you hope they see?
Look around you. There is a whole world filled with tales just waiting to be written. You just need to keep your eyes open to see them.
Moderated grid and scaled voting
After you submit your work, our submissions editor will review it to be sure it meets our guidelines. If it does, you’ll see your thumbnail appear below. If not, it will be returned to you with a love letter letting you know how you could improve it. Take those notes and keep at it. We love to see writers who don’t give up.
When we get to 30 or more entries on the challenge grid, the invitational grid opens and the yeah write editors select their favorites.The jury prize is chosen as the best submission of the week. Invitational or not, we will host a popular vote where you’ll be able to select your favorites from the grid. The number of votes allotted is determined by the number of submissions on the grid:
- 01-10 submissions: one vote
- 11-20 submissions: two votes
- 21-30 submissions: three votes
- 31-40 submissions: four votes
- 41-50 submissions: five votes
The more submissions, the more votes. Now’s the time to tell your writing and blogging friends about our friendly little competition. Write a blurb beside your yeah write challenge button inviting them. Send a personal email. Stumble over a blog post you think would be perfect for the challenge grid? Email us the link, and if it’s a good fit, we’ll add it ourselves.
Spread the word of yeah write weekly writing challenge
Are you a member of a writing forum or a literary blogging community? Please leave a link with your friends over there telling them all about us. If you don’t have another writing home online, be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook where you can easily share or retweet us. The more we grow, the more we can learn from one another. Your endorsement of what we’re doing here is invaluable.
Odds, ends, reminders
- The badge you will need to add to your planned submission is over in the sidebar
- This immediate past Sunday is the earliest your submission can be dated
- Your post can be no longer than 600 words
- Personal essays or traditional blog anecdotes only
- There are no weekly prompts; the topic is yours. Be compelling
- The grid is open from Tuesday at 12:01 a.m. to Wednesday at 11:59 p.m.
- There is voting. Voting will take place Thursday from midnight to 10:00 p.m. US eastern
- The challenge grid is limited to 50 bloggers
- The winners’ post will be published by noon on Friday
- No self-promotional posts are allowed on the yeah write grid, including those containing links to other blog events and Internet contests
Yeah write #152 is open…

Yes! Thank you for the reminder that writers need to observe.
I’m glad you enjoyed it!