
Grab your badge

They’re here! Grab your badge on the right side of this page. Keep in mind that today is the earliest your yeah write #108 weekly writing challenge grid posts can be dated. Are you a virgin, ready to jump in with both feet? Email us if you run into trouble and let us know which step is tripping you up.

Challenge v. speakeasy

The grids open Tuesday and we’re looking forward to your life-stories and traditional blog anecdotes. Submit your fiction and poetry over at the speakeasy, where your first line is written for you – thanks to last week’s winner, Rarasaur. There’s also an image prompt to get your creative juices flowing. If you don’t submit this week, make sure to visit and vote on a creative collection of poetry and fiction on Thursday.

600-word limit

We know our grids are at their best when individual entries are limited 500 words. Our writers are better, our readers are happier, our voters are more efficient and more likely to use all five of their votes. So from here on out, we are going forward with a 600-word limit—that’s 500 words plus grace. Use that grace for a brief intro or a small footnote, if you like, but try to stick closer to 500 words when you can. We’re not trying to limit your creativity. Keeping your post tight holds the readers’ attention. You have 6 other days to write as long as you like.

The yeah write way

Yes, it is open submissions at the challenge grid, but editors are still monitoring posts. If yours is returned to you this week, it’s not a comment on your writing, but a reflection of the yeah write guidelines. For more information, or a refresher, visit how yeah write works. We want you on the grids showing your very best version of your very best.

We offer quick editor previews of your challenge grid post each week

Did you know that? If you are a yeah write supporting subscriber, you can email us your planned submission before the grid opens on Tuesdays, and one of us will read it and offer quick edits and suggestions on structure and tone, giving you a better chance in that week’s challenge. We don’t rewrite it, we don’t change your voice or your intent. It’s called a quick and dirty, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t take advantage of it as many times as your subscription level allows. We will tidy you up.

As you start your winning submission

Choose your topic wisely. Start with and answer to “What is my so what?” and move forward from that. Your year write editors look forward to being surprised with passion, amused by goofy morning events, welling up with tears brought on by sudden tugs at our heartstrings. Let your strengths guide you—choose any topic—just let it be true, and let it reflect you. As you re-write your drafts, make sure to craft a tightly written introduction, a well-defined story line, and  a clear so what? by the end. As our regulars know, writing well about everyday life is the challenge of the challenge grid.

So get to it! Read great writers, cut out the fluff, read your post aloud, and make sure to triple-check for grammar and spelling, especially if you want to swing over to the invitational grid.  If it’s not happening for you, maybe it’s just not your week – but we have faith in you.  Recruit your favorite writers around the Interwebs…we want to hit at least 30 this week! Bring us your best stuff when you know it’s gonna be the best on the grid.

Weekend moonshine grid



For those of you who don’t fancy yourself storytellers, but who still love the community spirit found here at yeah write more than any other place you’ve been, we have the yeah write moonshine grid on the weekends, just for you. Starting at 6 p.m. eastern time on Fridays and closing by 12:01 a.m. on Mondays, the moonshine grid will be here for you to hang out, find some new-to-you-blogs and write without the anxiety of being judged, evaluated and voted on by the yeah write editors. Unlimited space, unlimited joy. Still no promotional or commercial posts.

It’s open for the rest of the day. Link it up!

Read well, write well, rewrite often

Yeah write #108 weekly writing challenge grid opens Tuesday. Until then, dearies!

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