

Say what?

Unlike what Meg eloquently said about the needs of a good nonfiction essay, we here at the fiction|poetry challenge are more interested in the So What’s cousin, the Say What?

What do I mean? Well, I think we can agree that the So What to telling any story or sharing any poem is to entertain. The Say What? is what I call the surprise that keeps the reader connected.

It’s that beautifully phrased sentiment that must be savored again or the twist that makes the reader yelp when it triple-axels into the plot or the character whose dialogue changes your perspective on natural childbirth.

Or Man Buns.

Or acid-washed jeggings.

I know that’s what I’m looking for when I read stories and poems (er, the Say What, not the jeggings, although if you found a way to seamlessly insert acid-washed jeggings into your story that would probably be an editor pick-receiving Say What).

Speaking of perspective, before you press the “Post” button, be sure to check out the submission guidelines. If you’ve found some other yeah write writers you dig, why not ask them to be your writing partner? Everyone needs another set of eyes to point out the typos, content errors, and awkward phrasings in our posts.

Where’s the party?

The optional prompt above can serve as inspiration for your fiction or poetry. Use the question word for word in your story or poem, or just answer it. Take us back to your sorority days or tell us where you spent New Year’s Eve. In case that’s not enough to get you going:

New inspiration for you

Introducing Prompt Up!

Prompt up is our new optional weekly writing prompt for the fiction|poetry challenge! Here’s how it works: we choose a sentence prompt from last week’s winning nonfiction post and announce it in the kick-off. It’s your job to use that prompt as the first sentence in your poem or story and then run with it. The prompt is just a springboard, though: feel free to keep it as your first sentence, move it somewhere else, change it, or yank it out completely.

Cris’s exploration of what exactly makes a person a hero was last week’s nonfiction winner. Congrats, Cris! This week’s Prompt Up: Everyone kept a safe distance from the flames.

January poetry slam: aubade

It’s the dawn of a new year, and so this month’s poetry slam is particularly fitting. An aubade is a love poem or song – in any form – welcoming or lamenting the arrival of the dawn. It’s the poem that you write for your lover after you slip out the window at sunrise, or the song, full of joy or sorrow, that you sing for the arrival of the dawn. Need more to get started? Rowan has all the details for you.

Is this your first time here?

Check out Sunday’s post which kicked off the week here at yeah write. If you don’t think you can remember to check back every Sunday, sign up for our email blasts. We send them directly to your inbox. No fuss!

Yeah write #248 fiction|poetry writing challenge is open for submissions!

You can check out the submission guidelines and join us with your story or poem using the link below.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]


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