
Day 9 NaBloPoMo at yeah write guest blogger: Jantine aka Alynia at EccentriekeDame

I admit, I have some strange ways. No, I say it wrong, I can be a very strange person, according to some, and so is my fiancé. You see, our whole apartment is full of things soft and cuddly. There are some soft and cuddly things for adults, like some extra warm blankets for on the bed and on the couch when it is cold, and the Irish sheepskin the fiancé brought from Ireland. Then there are the hats we wear during the winter, when we go outside. Mine is pink and woolen and fluffy, fiancé’s is just brown and fluffy. 

His niece inherited her uncle’s love for soft and cuddly, by the way. I remember we’d just bought those silly hats, and he’d just moved to our place, and his family came over to see where he lived. Niece put on his hat, stroking it, exclaiming: “oooooh soft! ooooo soft!” and when she got tired, she lay down on the sheepskin, stroking it as well, exclaiming the “ooooooh soft!” again. She was only two years old at the time, and I am not sure she still is that into softness.

I was talking about how we as adults like everything soft and cuddly. Well, because it is not enough to cuddle each other, we also have tons of stuffed animals everywhere. There is a bigger Pooh and a bigger Eeyore and a bigger Piglet, and more important, Tigger! Tigger is alive, and just as bouncy as I am.

The small ones are Poohtje, Tiggertje and Eeyoretje (tje being a Dutch suffix meaning little) and they sometimes come with us when we go out. They love to see the world, those small stuffies. On the other hand, I can only get to sleep when I can cuddle Bearess or Bear, who are the lazy, sleepy ones. All three of us love to watch Bear in the Big Blue House every morning. Yes, stuffed animals seem to play a big part in our lives.

So why this post? Because they wanted me to tell everyone how important they are, of course! All stuffed animals here in my home united today and told me if I did not write how lovely they are, they would bury me in a pile of cuddliness all day long. I am not sure what they will do now I did write the post, though. They might bury me into this big cuddly pile anyway. Just because they can, and just because I would love them to. Squiiieee!


It’s random rowmie weekend, so the grid is in random order for each and every visit. Take the time to visit new-to-you bloggers and leave a few thoughtful comments.

If you feel like going the extra mile, you can choose any post you’d like to share and join our yeah write weekend crew over at the moonshine grid. It’s also where the Week 1 NaBloPoMo prizes were announced. Go check it out.


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