please turn it off

please turn it off

Welcome to day 14 of NaBloPoMo! Can you taste the mid-point? I sure can, right on the tip of my tongue. We’re doing great, but I have a little problem.

CAPTCHA is preventing me from making awesome comments on some of your blogs. 

Confession: I’m turning 50 next month. And I can’t actually read the CAPTCHA most any of the time. The letters and/or numbers are blurry and elusive.  I usually have to go through 3-4 iterations before I get it right. And I’m a blogger who wants to comment, not a spammer automaton. I don’t have time for that feculence, especially during NaBloPoMo. I have blog posts to write and even more blog posts to read. If you want to see what navigating CAPTCHA is like for me, read Stephanie’s anti-CAPTCHA blog post. She’s hilarious. And I’m exasperated. CAPTCHA makes me feel old and incompetent. So I’m not doing it anymore. CAPTCHA on = No love from Stacie.

Maybe some of you don’t realize CAPTCHA is on, maybe it’s a default setting. That’s an issue with Blogger blogs, and if you click the link to Stephanie’s post, she’ll show you how shut it off. Can you check? Pretty please?

For those of you who enabled CAPTCHA intentionally, how about doing a little experiment and turning it off for the rest of NaBloPoMo? I believe you might learn that you don’t actually need the ridiculousness that is CAPTCHA. I believe you are not going to get piles of spam in your blog comments if you shut it off. And, I believe you will get more comments on your posts. Even bloggers that get a huge ton of traffic, like The Bloggess and The Pioneer Woman, don’t use CAPTCHA. Please please please turn it off.

What you absolutely do need, is an anti-spam plug-in. If you haven’t already, install one and enjoy the spam that falls directly into your spam folder as fodder for funny blog posts, like I do. I use the plug-in Akismet for WordPress, but there are a bunch of good anti-spam plugins out there. I only very rarely get a spam comment on a post. And all I have to do is mark it as spam and voila, it’s gone to my spam folder.

If you’re one of those rare individuals that have had actual problems with spam blowing up your comments, despite an anti-spam plug-in, I guess it’s ok to enable comment moderation. I don’t like that either. It kinda makes me feel like you don’t trust me.

But at least it doesn’t make me feel lame.


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