
you need to read this!

Now that I’ve got your attention, I can tell you that you really need to read this post. In fact, you need to read every post that the yeah write editors put out each week. I understand we tend to get a little repetitive at times but there are important tidbits of information contained in each and every post that you need to know about to get the most out of each grid. Not to mention, we’ve got a lot of changes coming up in the next month and we’d hate for you to feel out of the loop. So give this post that I painstakingly put together for you a read as well as all future posts. Not only will you be a yeah write genius, but you will receive bountiful amounts of virtual air hugs from all of us. You wouldn’t want to miss out on that, would you?

changes are a comin’

Speaking of reading posts, I’m sure you all read the Sunday kickoff post by the wonderful Christine, right? Good. Then you know all about the changes that are heading yeah write’s way next week. Not only are both the challenge grid and gargleblaster opening on new days, but voting for both grids will now take place on Thursday. It’s going to be a big ol’ voting party!

but not a clickity-clickfest party…

As you all know by now, all of us at yeah write are very serious about our voting. We don’t vote for ourselves. We don’t vote for our friend because she bought us a beer last weekend down at the local hootenanny.  We vote on artistic and technical merit. That means we read all the posts before voting. Do you see those little green check marks in the upper left-hand corner of each thumbnail? Those are there to help you keep track. They’ll let you know that you’ve been there, done that.

Are you done reading and think you’re ready to vote? Well hold your horses just a bit. Make sure you think back on all of your absolute favorites. Jot some notes down on what you liked best about them and compare. Which ones actually have a story to tell? Do they have a so what? Where’s the conflict? Is the writing free of grammatical and structural errors? It better be.

When you’re ready (and not a second earlier), click on that little heart in the upper right corner of the thumbnail and give it your vote. These votes are you giving a virtual pat on the back to the author so make sure you’re taking the time to truly make your vote count.

Remember Comment Bob?!

He’s still hanging around and searching for the best commenters on our grid. Comment Bob goes to the reader out there who we see is really diving into each post and starting up a conversation. It takes a lot of work to do that. Bob is here to cheer you on!

Kevin the kiwi

We didn’t get to open the invitational this week but we do have the editor’s kiwi badge! Since we’re under 30 entries, one lucky post will be awarded Kevin the kiwi. What does that mean, you ask? In addition to the popular vote, we’ll let one of our editors choose her very favorite post!

Challenge grid voting starts here

The challenge grid crowd favorite and top row will be determined by popular vote.

Everybody gets 3 votes

Click on each thumbnail to read the posts before voting. Click on the voting icon to vote for a post after reading. Do not vote for your own post, please.

Read the posts before voting

We are responsible voters here at yeah write. Read, evaluate, vote on merit. We’re still writing the yeah write way, and we want the votes to reflect it.

Voting is open until Thursday, 10:00 p.m. EDT

  • If it’s after 10:00 p.m. EDT on Thursday when you’re trying to vote, voting is closed. There will be no more voting icons on the thumbnail and voting will not work.
  • Once you’ve voted for your favorite posts, you’re done voting. The voting icons will disappear.
  • Voting for your own post should be disabled. If it’s not, please don’t vote for your own post.
  • Once you’ve voted for the best posts on the grid, you are then free to campaign for votes for your favorite entries.
  • If you’d like to see the current vote tallies after you’ve voted, refresh the page.
  • If you ask your people to vote for your entry, please let them know they have a set number of votes, and they should vote for yours only if it’s one of the best on the grid. Campaigning for your own targeted votes is highly discouraged.
  • Yeah write and the Inlinkz app allow only one set of votes per IP address. When campaigning for votes for your favorites, please ask outside voters to read this section before voting. It will lessen their confusion and curb their clicking enthusiasm.
  • Refreshing the page, watching the votes go up and down? First, don’t do that. Second, if you see the votes on each entry fluctuating throughout the day, that’s the vote proctor adjusting each tally for enthusiastic clickers and non-reading voters. Don’t you want your entry to win because it’s the best on the grid and not because you have the greatest social media influence? Write well, campaign for others, leave encouraging comments.

Winner’s post published Friday by noon EDT

Once the voting ends, the challenge grid will sort itself from highest number of votes to the fewest. Ties are broken by number of page views. Until the winner’s post is published, none of the sorting will be official, but you can still get a good idea of where everyone ended up until the votes are validated.

she’s watching you…

Yeah write editor Stacie is all over your votes. Think you can sneak a targeted vote or self-vote past her? Think again. It’s one voting round per IP address, one voting round per person. As always, you are more than welcome to share the awesomeness that is yeah write but make sure your friends and family understand the guidelines that make this community so great. Thank you!

Yeah write #178 voting is open…


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