
You’re never fully dressed without a badge

Last week had a fantastic variety of topics and styles on the challenge grid. Let’s do it all again – bigger and better! 


With the #31dbbb posts behind us (well, except for those of us who still have a little – ahem! – catching up to do), it’s time to tighten up and get back to business. But let’s not think of it as overly serious. It’s still summer, after all. All that extra Vitamin D is sure to inspire some half-forgotten memories that can inspire your very best stuff.  We know you can do it! Today is the earliest your yeah write #121 weekly writing challenge grid post can be dated. Any perplexed first-timers should email us if you run into trouble. We’re here to help!

Challenge only for the summer; the fiction speakeasy is on hiatus

The grid opens Tuesday, and we are so ready for your traditional blog anecdotes and life stories. The speakeasy is still on summer hiatus, so we hope all you fictioneers will continue to join us here with a little creative non-fiction.

There’s a limit of 500 words plus 100 words grace if you need them

Really try for a post limited to 500 words. It was a little loosey-goosey last month, but it’s still true that less is more. Editing down to 500 words creates attentive and responsible writers who work to edit themselves, and it encourages readers to read the entire grid with care — and then vote! So from here on out, we are going forward with a 600-word limit—that’s 500 words plus grace. Use that grace wisely for a brief intro or a small footnote, if you like, but try hard to stay closer to 500 words when you can. We’re not trying to limit your creativity; we just know you can keep it tight and hold your readers’ attention. You’ve got six days of the week to write as long as you like. Give us this one day.

The yeah write way

Yes, it is open submissions at the challenge grid, but editors will be kindly monitoring posts. If yours is returned to you this week, it’s not a comment on your writing, but a reflection of the yeah write guidelines. In other words: It’s not you, it’s us—helping you become a better writer. For more information, or a refresher, visit how yeah write works. We’re looking for a so what, empathetic characters and strong endings.

Read well, write well, rewrite often

Yeah write #121 weekly writing challenge grid opens Tuesday. Bring your best stuff!

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