
Alrighty, now: time to vote on the challenge grid. Here’s a quick tutorial on how yeah write voting works:

Everybody gets five votes

Depending on your browser, there will be a yellow star above or below each thumbnail. Click on the thumbnail to read the post before voting, click on the yellow star to vote for the post after reading.

Read the posts before voting

C’mon, no just clicking the stars willy nilly. Don’t throw your critical reading skills out the window just because it’s a holiday week. Read, evaluate, vote on merit. We’re still writing the yeah write way.


Voting closes Thursday, 8 p.m. EST

After each yellow star click, the page will refresh, and you’ll have to make your way back down to the grid to click another yellow star, and so it will go five times.

If it’s after 8 p.m. EST [-5 GMT] on Thursday when you’re trying to vote, voting is closed. There will be no more yellow stars and voting will not work.

Once you’ve voted for your five favorite posts, you’re done voting and the yellow stars will disappear. You are then free to campaign for votes for your favorite entries including your own.

Sometimes the voting program can be glitchy. If you’re voting, but the stars don’t disappear, don’t worry: your votes are registering. 

You can vote only once per IP address.

Voting for your own post should be disabled. 

Winner’s post published Friday

No editors’ picks this week. It’s winner-take-all popular vote.

Yeah write #88 weekly writing challenge grid is open for voting…


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