
September is family-free month at yeah write

My immediate apologies to those who do not allow themselves to use or promote mild profanity on their blogs: it’s family-free month, dammit, and it says so right on this week’s super cool button badge.

No, I did not make a substitute badge.

Anyway, we’re gonna grow as writers for the entire month of September and put away our favorite fallback subject if your favorite fallback subject happens to be your kids or wife/spouse/significant other or your parents or anyone marked by a blood, marriage or otherwise legal relationship with you. It’s not that we don’t care. We just don’t care about them this month. For 30 entire days.

Need other ideas? Close your eyes and think of them. It’s not that hard.

Badges are in the sidebar. Grab the code of the one you want, either for the challenge grid or the speakeasy.  You may wanna double-check with Flood, but I don’t think she cares about your family for the month of September, either. Speakeasies and bars are no places for children, you know.

It’s bring a virgin to work week

If someone subscribes to the weekly email blast at your recommendation and gets published on the yeah write #73 challenge grid, the editors will toss your name into a jaunty fedora among others who do the same. Before the yeah write #73 winners’ post, we’ll draw the name of a winner and both that person and the guest will win a copy of Microstyle: The Art of Writing Little published by W.W. Norton, one of our challenge grid sponsors.

Open to U.S. residents only unless one of the random winners is willing to pay international postage.

The yeah write virgin must be new to the “yeah write is open” list as of today or by 9/6/2012 without being a current or former subscriber or, god forbid, having ever marked  a yeah write email as spam. The person recommending the virgin must be a current subscriber to the “yeah write is open” list as of 9/6/2012 or any date before the virgin subscribes. 

When the grid gets back to 50 published entries, we’re offering one writer a $100 Amazon gift card

Once we get back to a full grid of 50 published submissions, we will kick off a four-week challenge for the blogger with the most accumulated points to earn a $100 Amazon gift card which I would recommend go toward the purchase of these 10 books suggested in this Brain Pickings article How to Read Like a Writer. We’ll get there with or without you. May as well be with you ‘cuz you’re witty and can tell a pretty good story.

Oh, and one other thing—ixnay on the opular-pa oating-vay

Opening the grid entries to a public, popular vote has been the hallmark of yeah write from its very beginning 18 months ago. There have always been pros and cons to it—pro: it’s our best marketing tool, con: it caused some people to have weekly nervous breakdowns—but it’s now become more trouble than it’s worth. Beginning this week, for the first time, yeah write voting is closed to the general Internets and the final grid order will depend solely on the the four contributing editors and me, the managing kahuna. This is not to say the popular vote will never return, but it’s gone for now. We’ll award three contributing editor picks, one managing editor pick and one jury prize each week. That’s enough, right? Especially since our recent changes have chased half the grid away. 


  • No family posts. For the month.
  • No popular vote. For the foreseeable future.
  • Moderated submissions. Forever.


You still with us? You’re a true writer who blogs and blogger who writes.

Yeah write #73 opens Tuesday.

[header_box_1 title=”yeah write #73 optional writing prompts”]


  • Do not mention anywhere in your post, either as intro or footnote, that you are writing to a prompt.
  • We want the story the furthest away in your imagination from the original prompt. Let your imagination loose.
  • Keep your writing style! Do you tell stories with humor? Prose? Verse? Photos? Illustrations? Keep doing that. 


word prompt



photo prompt



color prompt





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